Lennox Albert Knox Boswell DSO, RN

Birth details unknown

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15 Sep 1917 S.Lt.
15 Oct 1918 Lt.
15 Oct 1926 Lt.Cdr.
30 Jun 1933 Cdr.
31 Dec 1940 Capt.

Retired: 7 Jan 1950


1 Jan 1940 DSO
25 Jun 1940 Mentioned in Despatches (MID)

Warship Commands listed for Lennox Albert Knox Boswell, RN

HMS Pelican (L 86 / U 86)Cdr.Sloop20 Jan 1939Jan 1941
HMS Dasher (D 37)Capt.Escort Carrier12 Mar 194327 Mar 1943
HMS Biter (D 97)Capt.Escort carrierJul 1943May 1944

Career information

We currently have no career / biographical information on this officer.

Events related to this officer

Sloop HMS Pelican (L 86 / U 86)

22 Apr 1940
The anti-aircraft sloop HMS Pelican (Cdr. L.A.K. Boswell, D.S.O., RN), while on her way to the Romsdal Fjord carrying the personnel of the Naval Base party for Molde, was crippled by a German Ju-87 (Stuka) dive bomber. She was hit aft, setting off her depth charges. Pelican was towed to Lerwick and then to Chatham for repairs that lasted until early December 1940. (1)

Escort Carrier HMS Dasher (D 37)

16 Mar 1943
HMS Dasher (Capt. L.A.K. Boswell, DSO, RN) proceeded from Dundee to Rosyth. (2)

19 Mar 1943
HMS Dasher (Capt. L.A.K. Boswell, DSO, RN) is docked in No.1 graving dock at the Rosyth Dockyard. (3)

20 Mar 1943
The escort carrier HMS Dasher (Capt. L.A.K. Boswell, DSO, RN) is undocked at the Rosyth Dockyard.

She then left Rosyth for Scapa Flow around 1700A/20 escorted by the destroyers HMS Inglefield (Cdr. A.G. West, RN) and HMS Orwell (Lt.Cdr. J.M. Hodges, DSO, RN). (4)

21 Mar 1943
Around 0745A/21, the escort carrier HMS Dasher (Capt. L.A.K. Boswell, DSO, RN), HMS Inglefield (Cdr. A.G. West, RN) and HMS Orwell (Lt.Cdr. J.M. Hodges, DSO, RN) arrived at Scapa Flow from Rosyth. (5)

22 Mar 1943
Around 1600A/22, the escort carrier HMS Dasher (Capt. L.A.K. Boswell, DSO, RN) and the escort destroyer HMS Blankney (Cdr. P.F. Powlett, DSO and Bar, DSC, RN) departed Scapa Flow for the Clyde where they are expected to arrive around 1800A/23.

The escort carrier is to conduct flying exercises in the Clyde area especially A/S and fighter intercept exercises for an upcoming convoy to Northern Russia. (6)


  1. Personal communication
  2. ADM 199/2258
  3. Rosyth Dockyard docking register
  4. Rosyth Dockyard docking register + ADM 199/2258
  5. ADM 53/118626
  6. ADM 53/118626 + ADM 199/2258

ADM numbers indicate documents at the British National Archives at Kew, London.

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