Allied Warships


A (AG) class

5 ships

The submarine A-5 of the Soviet Navy.

Technical information

Displacement390/520 BRT 
Complement32 men 
Armament4 bow torpedo tubes (8 torpedoes)
1 x 4,5 cm semi-automatic gun (200 rounds) or 1x4,7 cm gun
1 machine gun. 
Max speed14,5/10,5 knots (surfaced/submerged)
Power960/480  (surfaced/submerged)
Notes on classThese boats were actually of Holland 602GF/602L type and their Russian abbreviation AG comes from "Amerikanski Golland" (American Holland). Eleven units were ordered by Naval Ministry of Russian Empire to Electric Boat Co in the end of WWI and assembled at Russian shipyards.

Assembling of Black Sea AGs in Nikolayev was slowed down by revolutionary events in Russia. These submarines were completed in spite of many necessary parts and machinery shortage. One AG was transferred to Bizerta by White Forces and five were left to Red Forces after the Civil war. Finally, their building was completed by engineers of the young country of Soviets. Before WWII all AG submarines were modernized (new conning tower and power supply) and had technical data as shown. 

All ships of the A (AG) class

Soviet Navy Soviet Navy (more on Soviet Navy)

A-1 Lost on 26 Jun 1942
A-3 Lost on 28 Oct 1943

5 Submarines of the A (AG) class. 2 of them were lost.

See all Submarine classes.

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