Allied Warships

HMS ML 290 (ML 290)

Motor Launch of the Fairmile B class

NavyThe Royal Navy
TypeMotor Launch
ClassFairmile B 
PennantML 290 
Built byBrooke Marine Ltd. (Oulton Broad, England, U.K.) 
Ordered21 May 1940 
Laid down 
Commissioned18 Sep 1941 
End service 

Sold in December 1945


We don't have any commands listed for HMS ML 290 (ML 290)

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Notable events involving ML 290 include:

20 Nov 1942
HMS P 614 (Lt. H.W. Wilkinson, RN) conducted A/S exercises off Freetown together with HMS Burdock (Lt.Cdr. E.H. Lynes, RD, RNR) and HMS ML 290 (T/Lt. W. Barrie, RNVR). Later the same day A/S exercises were carried out with Wellington aircraft. (1)

6 Jul 1943
Argo conducted A/S exercises off Freetown with HMML 261, HMML 278 and HMML 290. (2)

12 Jul 1943
Le Centaure conducted A/S exercises off Freetown with HMML 278, HMML 290 and ML 574. (2)


  1. ADM 173/17528
  2. ADM 199/635

ADM numbers indicate documents at the British National Archives at Kew, London.

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