List of all U-boats




Ordered16 Oct 1939
Laid down1 Oct 1940 Howaldtswerke AG, Kiel (werk 11)
Launched5 Nov 1941
Commissioned22 Dec 1941Kptlt. Josef Röther
22 Dec 1941 - Nov, 1943  Kptlt. Josef Röther (German Cross in Gold)
Dec, 1943 - 11 Mar 1944  Kptlt. Albrecht Brandi (Knights Cross)
11 patrols
22 Dec 1941-31 Aug 1942  5. Flottille (training)
1 Sep 1942-30 Nov 1942  6. Flottille (active service)
1 Dec 1942-11 Mar 1944  29. Flottille (active service)
Successes2 ships sunk, total tonnage 14,063 GRT
1 ship damaged, total tonnage 7,191 GRT
1 ship a total loss, total tonnage 7,178 GRT

Sunk on 11 March 1944 at the Missiessy Docks in Toulon, France, in position 43.07N, 05.55E, by bombs during US air raid (15th AF). 1 dead, unknown number of survivors.

Loss position

See the 4 ships hit by U-380 - View the 11 war patrols

Wreck raised in 1944 and broken up.

Wolfpack operations

U-380 operated with the following Wolfpacks during its career:
   Stier (29 Aug 1942 - 2 Sep 1942)
   Vorwärts (2 Sep 1942 - 25 Sep 1942)
   Delphin (5 Nov 1942 - 12 Nov 1942)
   Wal (12 Nov 1942 - 15 Nov 1942)

Attacks on this boat and other events

12 Sep 1942
Depth charges from escorts of convoy ON 127 damaged the boat, causing a diesel engine to fail, forcing the boat to abandon its attack. (Sources: Blair, vol 2, page 31.)

11 Mar 1944
Sunk on 11 March 1944 at the Missiessy Docks in Toulon, France, in position 43.07N, 05.55E by bombs during US air raid (15th AAF). There was one fatality. [Maschinenmaat Jonny Christoph]

2 recorded attacks on this boat.

General notes on this boat

10 May 1943. On 10 May 1943 in the Mediterranean, U-380 rescued five German soldiers escaping from Tunisia in a small boat. She brought them to port at La Spezia, Italy on 16 May.

Men lost from the boat

11 Mar 1944
Sunk on 11 March 1944 at the Missiessy Docks in Toulon, France, in position 43.07N, 05.55E by bombs during US air raid (15th AAF). There was one fatality. [Maschinenmaat Jonny Christoph]

  Related: For more info on such losses see - Men lost from U-boats -

U-boat Emblems

We have 1 emblem entry for this boat. See the emblem page for this boat or view emblems individually below.

4 leaf Clover

Media links

U-Boats at War

Showell, Jak P. Mallmann
($ 35.50)

Hitler's U-boat War, Vol II

Blair, Clay

U-Boat Operations of the Second World War - Vol 1

Wynn, Kenneth

German U-Boat Losses During World War II

Niestle, Axel

Hitler's U-boat War

Blair, Clay

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