Allied Warships

RHS Aspis

Torpedo boat of the Niki class

NavyThe Royal Hellenic Navy
TypeTorpedo boat
Built by 
Laid down 
Launched3 Apr 1907 
End service 1945 
HistoryDecommissioned in 1945.


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Notable events involving Aspis include:

28 May 1941
At 1230C/28, HMS Torbay (Lt.Cdr. A.C.C. Miers, RN) departed from Alexandria for her 3rd war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the northern Aegean Sea. (This is her 2nd Mediterranean War Patrol).

A large portion of the crew of HMS Torbay was not the crew which had worked up with the submarine. HMS Torbay had left the U.K. in March with over half the crew made up of spare crew from the depot ship. Most of these had never sailed in a submarine before and some had even never been to sea ever in their life. The crew was thus rather ' green ' so Torbay was sent to patrol in the northern part of the Aegean where enemy A/S measures were not expected to be very heavy.

On leaving harbour practice attacks were made during which the Greek torpedo boat RHS Aspis acted as target. Also gunnery exercises were carried out as the gun crew had never fired the gun for real. (1)

1 Jun 1941
HMS Taku (Lt.Cdr. E.C.F. Nicolay, RN) departed from Alexandria for her 12th war patrol. This is her 2nd Mediterranean war patrol. She is to patrol in Gulf of Sirte.

Before proceeding on patrol exercises were carried out with the Greek torpedo boat RHS Aspis. (2)

8 Jul 1941
HMS Taku (Lt.Cdr. E.C.F. Nicolay, RN) departed from Alexandria for her 13th war patrol. This is her 3rd Mediterranean war patrol. She is to patrol in the Gulf of Sirte.

Before proceeding on patrol exercises were carried out with the Greek torpedo boat RHS Aspis. (2)


  1. ADM 199/1152
  2. ADM 199/1151

ADM numbers indicate documents at the British National Archives at Kew, London.

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