
Die Wölfe und der Admiral

by Frank, Wolfgang
(The wolves and the Admiral)
2001, Lübbe Verlag Bergisch-Gladbach
ISBN 3404650255
746 pages, 20 b&w photos
An excellent personal account of the U-boat War 1939-1945. During that time Frank attended several meetings of Dönitz' staff and served aboard several U-boats on war patrols.

Translations of this title include:


U-boote contre les marines alliées

by Frank, Wolfgang
(U-boats against the Allied navies: II. Towards defeat)
II. Vers la défaite
1970, Arthaud, Paris
An excellent personal account of the U-boat War 1939-1945. During that time Frank attended several meetings of Dönitz' staff and served aboard several U-boats on war patrols.

The Sea Wolves

by Frank, Wolfgang
1955, Wiedenfeld & Nicolson
ISBN 0345295048
An abridged translation of this excellent personal account of the U-boat War 1939-1945. During that time Frank attended several meetings of Dönitz' staff and served aboard several U-boats on war patrols.

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