Emblem entry for U-99
Emblem | Description |
The Golden Horseshoe - U-99U-99's famous horseshoe emblems were added just before her first patrol in June 1940. At one point when the anchor was raised a pair of horseshoes were found to be attached to it. Taking this as a sign of good luck, Kptlt. Otto Krestchmer had them welded to the tower, one either side. Horseshoes were also seen on the following boats: U-31, U-145, U-214, U-268, U-355, U-379, U-570, U-640 and U-1010 Curiously, the British destroyer that fatally damaged U-99, HMS Walker, also had a horseshoe emblem. Keywords: horseshoe |
We have 1 emblem listed for this U-boat in our files. Check out the detailed profile page on this boat.
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