Date: January 29, 2005 07:57AM

My grandfather was aboard this ship when it was hit may 6, 1945 by a kamikaze plane while in the harbor of Kerama Retto. A memory book was published aboard the ship which i have a copy of, in the harbor was a few other ships the USS Curtis (not sure of the hull number) but whatever ship across from the george took a picture of the Kamikaze heading for the george before it hit. Does anyone have any pictures of the actual wreckage. My grandfather's name was Robert P. Hunter on board they called him (red). Does anyone know him or might have pictures, stories or anything they would like to share about his ship or him are more than welcome to email me. He passed away in 1990 and i am makin a shadow box of him w/ his medals. Please email me at: thank you once again.
Jody Mckinney Sr.

Subject Written By Posted
USS ST. GEORGE (AV-16) Jody Mckinney Sr. 01/29/2005 07:57AM