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German u-boats used by Turkey
Posted by: Vincent ()
Date: January 06, 2007 02:06AM

I know some German warships were sent to Turkey. Did this include any submarines and did they remain in official German service or could they be classed as Turkish subs? Im particularly interested in finding if any nation other than Germany used the UB III sub.

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Subject Written By Posted
German u-boats used by Turkey Vincent 01/06/2007 02:06AM
Re: German u-boats used by Turkey Michael Lowrey 01/06/2007 04:09AM
Re: German u-boats used by Turkey Michael Lowrey 01/06/2007 04:10AM
Re: German u-boats used by Turkey Yves D 01/06/2007 07:18AM
Re: German u-boats used by Turkey Vincent 01/19/2007 02:59AM
Re: German u-boats used by Turkey Michael Lowrey 01/19/2007 03:47AM
Re: German u-boats used by Turkey Thomas 01/06/2007 09:05AM

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