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Raimond Weisbach U-19 TV Clip
Posted by: Barry Scully ()
Date: April 03, 2007 08:20AM

Good morning everyone,

If you go to www.rte.ie/laweb/ll/ll_t06_other_a.html scroll down to the 'German Seamen'item and click on 'look and listen.'

Kptlt Weisbach and members of the crew of U-19 and the Gunrunner Aud visited Ireland in 1966 to commerorate the 50th anniversary of Roger Casement's abortive landing in 1916.

I don't know of any other WW1 Commander interview on film.


Do Chara


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Subject Written By Posted
Raimond Weisbach U-19 TV Clip Barry Scully 04/03/2007 08:20AM
Re: Raimond Weisbach U-19 TV Clip Barry Scully 04/03/2007 09:41AM

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