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HMS Vala Actions
Posted by: David Greenall ()
Date: June 16, 2010 09:54PM

I wonder if anybody out there could help me, I'm looking for any reference to an action involving a Q-Ship HMS Vala May to Aug 1917 (not the sinking by U-54).

I'm trying to establish an action in which one of my relatives could have won a DSM, I know it was for an action involving a U-Boat but nothing more.



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Subject Written By Posted
HMS Vala Actions David Greenall 06/16/2010 09:54PM
Re: HMS Vala Actions Ron Young 06/18/2010 09:53AM
Re: HMS Vala Actions Michael Lowrey 06/18/2010 12:25PM
Re: HMS Vala Actions Oliver Lörscher 06/25/2010 04:06PM
Re: HMS Vala Actions Shelly 08/18/2010 10:43PM
Re: HMS Vala Actions Josephbremez 08/19/2010 05:40PM
Re: HMS Vala Actions Sue 12/24/2010 09:08PM
Re: HMS Vala Actions Shelly 04/15/2011 03:23PM
Re: HMS Vala Actions Clio 01/01/2011 10:02AM

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