Posted by: J.G.W. ()
Date: November 20, 2001 04:01AM

<HTML>I have something I keep thinking about and hope you folks can clear up for me. Quit a while back someone, I think his name was Walter talked about the damage done during the sinking of a boat and damage done on its way to the bottom. He mentioned the speed
it might be traveling when it hit the bottom if in very deep water. This brought to mind way back when the Threshur (spelling)
sank there were a couple of engineers where I worked who figured it hit bottom at about fifty MPH. Last year I found a site that showed a computer skitch of the Scorpion in three pieces. The hull, conning tower and prop shaft with the prop still attached.
They also said the hull had telescoped when it hit bottom. This tells me it was traveling bow down at a very high speed. This really is hard for me to imagine because I never thought of what happens when a boat sinks. I haven't been able to find the site again. Does anyone know what site this is? Can anyone comment on what all happens in a sinking and to the boats interior and anything inside. When the hull implodes does it fill with water in seconds as the pressure increases?</HTML>

Subject Written By Posted
Wreckage J.G.W. 11/20/2001 04:01AM
Re: Wreckage oliver 11/20/2001 12:40PM
Re: Wreckage kurt 11/20/2001 03:41PM