Re: Can anyone help
Posted by: Ted Agar ()
Date: January 02, 2002 06:48PM

<HTML>Evening John,
According to U-Boat Operations by Ken Wynn page 29 it states that
U42 was engaged in a surface gun dual with the SS Stonepool during which she was hit on the deck gun and then submerged. On re-surfacing she was met by the Stonepool and the destroyers HMS Ilex and HMS Imogen it is not clear if the U-boat was sunk by the opposing forces or if she was scuttled by the crew. The action took place South of Bantry Bay Ireland. The recorded sinking location is49-12'N 10-00'W. 26 men were lost and 20 became POW including the CO. KL Rolf Dau the date was 2/10/39.
Ted A.</HTML>

Subject Written By Posted
Can anyone help John 01/01/2002 10:44PM
Re: Can anyone help Ted Agar 01/02/2002 06:48PM
Re: Can anyone help John 01/02/2002 09:17PM