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Help me choose an website name
Posted by: submarinehunt ()
Date: August 22, 2015 07:07AM

I am planning to make a website about an uboat patrol (typically attacking a convoy and also getting hunted by killer hunter groups). I hope to supplement the main story with a lot of images and diagrams to illustrate the technology.

As you may know, website names are extremely difficult to find since people hog them and ask for exorbitant amounts. For an example, is for sale for 15,000 dollars !

Anyway, with difficulty, I managed to get two domain names and would be grateful for your advice. I have and . I am asking around to find out which is a better name. In your opinion, which of the two do you think will be more memorable / engaging ? One could think of better names, but considering that only these two are available, I would be very grateful if you will give your opinion as to which of the two do you think would be a better name.

Thank you very much.


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Subject Written By Posted
Help me choose an website name submarinehunt 08/22/2015 07:07AM
Re: Help me choose an website name cathytreat 09/22/2015 10:25AM

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