U-94 'Malling' explianed by Ulrich Leverenz
Posted by: Troy ()
Date: April 17, 2004 10:06AM

Hello all!

Ulrich Leverenz of U.L.A.D decals sent me this information about the history of the U-94 tower art and I thought you would like to read it.

"Often the malings are the result of an competition on board during
missions ( a lot of time and nothing to do)
The LION-maling was under KaLeu Herbert Kuppisch in 1941 on both sides
of the Conning tower.
(Later only the -Bull of Scapa Flow- in front of Conning tower under
commander Otto Ites.)
The LION originated by the II. WO (officer of the watch) of the first
enemy missions.
In difference to the stencil-work "Bull"it was painting of an artist
with good knowlegde in drawing.
The colors are painted in a lot of shapes.
Normaly after an mission the colors are damaged because of the agressiv
salt water. They had often to paint again this malings.

Best Regards
Ulrich Leverenz

Subject Written By Posted
U-94 'Malling' explianed by Ulrich Leverenz Troy 04/17/2004 10:06AM