Re: U Boat sinkings by aircraft in WW1
Posted by: Michael Lowrey ()
Date: September 15, 2016 04:13PM


I believe I know what local expert you are talking about. In this case, he’s just wrong in several regards:

1. The Sea King sinking claim actually is for June 12, 1917.

2. The Royal Navy's Naval Staff Monograph Vol 19, pp. 68 - 72, rejects the Sea King sinking claim as requiring an excessively long patrol length.

3. In my own research for a book I'm working on, I reached the same conclusion before becoming aware of the NSM’s analysis. Simply put, the longest patrol by Flanders-based UCII operating through Dover was 20 days. The Sea King's attack would have been on UC 66's 21 day at sea when she would have been at least two days from home.

4. The May 27th attack was against UC 66; no surviving U-boat reported this attack in their KTB.

5. Several years ago, Innes McCartney, while working on his PhD in marine archaeology, became aware of the wreck north of Scillies of a WWI German submarine, right where the May 27th attack happened.

6. All subsequent events can be attributed easily to other U-boats and there’s nothing to show that UC 66 operated after May 27th.

Best wishes,

Subject Written By Posted
U Boat sinkings by aircraft in WW1 Mike Peaker 09/14/2016 02:50PM
Re: U Boat sinkings by aircraft in WW1 Michael Lowrey 09/14/2016 06:31PM
Re: U Boat sinkings by aircraft in WW1 freddy01 09/15/2016 08:07AM
Re: U Boat sinkings by aircraft in WW1 Mike Peaker 09/15/2016 04:05PM
Re: U Boat sinkings by aircraft in WW1 Michael Lowrey 09/15/2016 04:13PM