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Hubschrauber on U-523
Posted by: Erik E ()
Date: July 19, 2001 07:04PM

<HTML>Can anyone tell me what the Fa330 Hubschrauber (helicopter proto type)
were used for on the U-523??
Could it be deassembled and brougt into the sub.....
Anybody who knows the story beyond this????

Erik E</HTML>

Options: ReplyQuote

Subject Written By Posted
Hubschrauber on U-523 Erik E 07/19/2001 07:04PM
RE: Hubschrauber on U-523 Rainer Kolbicz 07/19/2001 09:59PM
RE: Hubschrauber on U-523 Yuri IL\'IN 07/20/2001 08:12AM
RE: Hubschrauber on U-523 Johannes 07/20/2001 05:34PM
RE: Hubschrauber on U-523 Yuri IL\'IN 07/23/2001 09:06PM
RE: Hubschrauber on U-523 Johannes 07/24/2001 01:40PM
RE: Hubschrauber on U-523 Erik E 07/20/2001 11:36AM

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