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12 years ago
I know a travelstory about 2 motorguys who went from Holland through Germany and tookc a lot of photo's from the U2540 and U995 , also a lot of interiourpics. The text is in Dutch but the pics are all-saying. www.Modelbrouwers.nl/phpBB3/vieuwtopic.php?f=16&t=33702 Greetz and suc6 , Nils
Forum: Modeling and schematics
12 years ago
Eey buddy , After I almost finished my U2540 and a lot of sniffin' around I found a interesting site. Its about 2 fellows who drove from Holland , through Germany for 2 subs , the U2540 and the U995 with magnificent pics. Only the text is in Dutch but if you need a translation call me....I'm sure you can use the pics for helping someone out ! The link is: www.Modelbrouwers.nl/p
Forum: Modeling and schematics
12 years ago
Hi there....I just finished the interiour and starting with painting the hull next week I guess.... I certenly send you a pic as soon it's finished.....and if you want more I'll hear it from you. Its always great the way tis works...you've helped me out...I'll post some pics and maybe you'll be able to help some more ;-) !
Forum: Modeling and schematics
12 years ago
Eey Gabor , Thanx again buddy ! Sorry for the late reaction but I was a couple weeks abroad for work. Indeed , I spoke an older Navy-man and he told me that the most torpedo's were steel-colored but the head could be different colours like steel , light-grey and even dark red. I painted this ones dirty-steel and a Karmin-reddish head....not to far from the reality I hope. By the way.
Forum: Modeling and schematics
12 years ago
Thank you for the link and the great pics! I noticed already in the beginning that a lot of things that's recommended by Revell doesn't come close to the reality. So it all was very helpfull and I'll post the pictures when the modell is ready. Almost curious at the comments I'm gonna get hahahaha! By the way: I suppose that the colour from the torpedos are Grey (just grey
Forum: Modeling and schematics
12 years ago
Gabor Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > If I were you I used the colors that Revell gave. > I may be wrong, but the ship was in service as > Wilhelm Bauer and has been heavily modified. > > The floor is mainly rubber these days. Yeah...maybe it's the best.... Rubber eey....that's matt-black but if I want to look rubber as used s
Forum: Modeling and schematics
12 years ago
Also wondering...if for example the floor is in light-grey en will be looked oldered , the matt clolour will be a little more shiny isn't it? So....maat paint where a lot of people are walking for example....will be like silk paint?
Forum: Modeling and schematics
12 years ago
Lightgreen eey....thats the same colour as Revell recommends Farngrün nr 360. But the rest of the interiour you saw...lightgrey and some darker grey Isuppose? Thanks in ahead , Nils
Forum: Modeling and schematics
12 years ago
Hello everone and at first: Happy Newyear and all best wishes for 2012 ;-) ! I had from my girlfriend a XXI with interiour for my birthday from Revell. If I'm looking at the paintschedule than will the dieselengines and several tank be painted in Fern Green (revell nr 360) but in my imagine is that a more modern colour for shipsengines etc. And if I'm looking at the interiourpictu
Forum: Modeling and schematics
13 years ago
Great....I didn't know that but I could guess it only hahaha! On the dutch newessite were also a picture from the discovered airbottle with a copper plate on it wich made it sure that the wreck was the U-106 and a picture from a piece of rusted hull. There was also an small video added but I don't know right now how to post it.
Forum: WWI forum
13 years ago
Hai all , I'm building the VIIC/41 "Atlantic Version" and I was thinking on the U-997. But the graphics on the box are very simple drawings and the colourtheme on the building instructions arew all in black-white and simple! I was curious if there were pictures about this camouflage paintings? Greets , Nils
Forum: Modeling and schematics
13 years ago
Hai you all, The Royal Dutch Navy brought out the news today that a lost sub from WW-I has found 40 km from Terschelling. The U-bout was found in October 2009 but the news was brought out today because they had to inform the German parlement first and the family from the lost sailors. At first they thought that it was a lost sub from the Dutch Navy , O-13. But after a closer look with robo
Forum: WWI forum
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