General Discussions  
This is the place to discuss general issues related to the U-boat war or the war at sea in WWII. 

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11 years ago
not yet, I've sent you a PM Mike
Forum: General Discussions
11 years ago
hi Guys, We are looking into the possibility that the type IX we are working on had its torpedo tubes welded shut and converted to carrying cargo. Could anyone answer some questions for me please? 1. Was it just IXD1s that had the tubes welded or was it some D2s as well? 2. Did they weld the external bow doors shut, or was it just the tube doors themselves? Mike
Forum: Technology and Operations
11 years ago
Hi Guys, We have just recovered a sample of the pressure hull from a type IX. It seems uneven thickness and not the 18mm we were lead to expect. How does the steel vary along the length of the hull? Also on testing the metal for toxins we found traces of Lead (which I'm assuming is from the batteries) and also lots of platinum. Any idea where the platinum would come from? Mike
Forum: Technology and Operations
11 years ago
Does anyone know if the wreck of U486 has been previously located? There is a strong possibility that the company I work for has just stumbled across it. Mike
Forum: General Discussions
11 years ago
Incidentally I was on a survey job a few years back when we found (probably) both HMS Shark and HMS Salmon. Unfortunately we were not able to get video of the wrecks to confirm this (
Forum: General Discussions
11 years ago
Thanks Maciek, The reason I asked was that they have just finished the attempted salvage of oil from the u 864, it looks like it has all long since leaked away, just wanted to check there was no hidden internal bunker! Mike
Forum: Technology and Operations
11 years ago
Hi Guys, I'm actually involved in this project, its very interesting. The chances of actually raising the wreck are very small indeed. Mike
Forum: General Discussions
11 years ago
Hi Guys, Was wondering if anyone can tell me where the fuel storage was on a Type IXD. Was there fuel stored inside the pressure hull, and if so where? Mike
Forum: Technology and Operations
16 years ago
Hi, Could anyone tell me how hard it is, and how i would go about finding details of an attack in a coastal area against a non sub target? I'm studying the wreck of the HMCS trentonian which is significantly more damaged than her crew reported. The cause of this may have been post war salvage or a depth charge attack on the wreck (or neither). So how would i find out if anyone carri
Forum: General Discussions
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