General Discussions  
This is the place to discuss general issues related to the U-boat war or the war at sea in WWII. 

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15 years ago
Hello Christopher, I'm extremely interested in U410. would you mind sending me scans of your photos to ??
Forum: Modeling and schematics
15 years ago
I remember seeing a list of boats fitted with GEMA in this forum, can anybody give me that information? Nobody is willing to help me with this?
Forum: Technology and Operations
15 years ago
Hello everybody, I have a group of photos tha show a type IX Uboat wich has FuMo 29 installed. I don't know which boat is that's why I'm looking for someone experienced in the subject and willing to help me identify the boat in my pictures. If you are interested and think you can help me please write to nbracco@hotmai&
Forum: Technology and Operations
15 years ago
The Wreck of U-864 is a War grave as all it's crew perished inside. i don't thin that the wreck could be scraped.
Forum: General Discussions
15 years ago
Are there any plans for the wreck after it is removed from the seabed? I mean if they are going to make it a museum od ir they're going to scrap it.
Forum: General Discussions
15 years ago
Thanks for your reply. Your father looked so young in the picture, can't believe that boys fought that terrible war and did it with so much courage. I'm that age now. Honor your father's memory!
Forum: General Discussions
15 years ago
You can see the movie "Das Boot", specially pay attention to the storm part, you can get a clear picture of how it was. Or you can also read the book where it is described in more detail. Nicolas Bracco
Forum: General Discussions
15 years ago
Most interesting! Could you share pictures of your father? Nicolas Bracco
Forum: General Discussions
15 years ago
I've been sending you emails but didn't get any answer. I have a picture of Udo Behrens and I want to send you a scan so you can upload it. Also, in U-109 section, it's participation in wolfpack "westboote" is omitted (It says so in the book "Hirschfeld, the secret diary of a U-boat) Please answer my emails I really want to collaborate with the web page. Nicolas Br
Forum: General Discussions
15 years ago
Hello there, I'm building Revell's type VIIC/41 and I was wondering if Yankee modelworks' pressure hull fits this model. Thanks in advance! Nicolas
Forum: Modeling and schematics
15 years ago
Forum: General Discussions
15 years ago
Here's an example: Teddy Suhren's reload at sea.
Forum: General Discussions
15 years ago
13. U-410
Hello everybody, last year I bought 5 pictures of U-410 from a big online auction. I'm trying to find other pictures related to U-410, from that auction or not. I would like to get in contact with other people who own pictures from this boat. I have such a special interest in this boat because I happen to be in contact with Herr Hans Gerisch, ex-crewmen from U-410. Send me a PM or an email t
Forum: General Discussions
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