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13 years ago
>- 4 in forward torpedo room - on both side of compartment, in place of crew >bunks >- 2 under floor of forward torpedo room My impression - also based on schematics etc is that 4 torpedoes would be kept under the floor boards and only 2 above it - so that they could be moved to clear space for access to the torpedo tubes.. Am I wrong? P.S. Excellent docs, Maciek
Forum: Technology and Operations
14 years ago
Jerry and Charla Mason Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Lowered attack periscope above keel = 14663 mm > Lowered search periscope above keel = 11999 mm Surely this must mean "Raised" not "lowered..." ?
Forum: Technology and Operations
14 years ago
Thanks! But what do you mean by "A German manual on the type VII" ?
Forum: Technology and Operations
14 years ago
In the British Report on U-570 I have found the following: Draught at periscope depth (using forward periscope) 48 ft. 6 in. (using after periscope) 39 ft. 6 in. from Shouldn't this be the other way around ? The after periscope is the Attack Periscope in the Conning tower - higher in the boat and thus allowing the uboat to dive deeper - safer for daylight attacks.
Forum: Technology and Operations
14 years ago
Check email.
Forum: Modeling and schematics
14 years ago
Aaaah.... I replied to a 3 years old thread
Forum: Modeling and schematics
14 years ago
I probably got these somewhere on the net, but can't remember where. Anyway:
Forum: Modeling and schematics
14 years ago
I'm interested in the exact look of the dials to deduce the how the panel is operated.
Forum: Modeling and schematics
14 years ago
Is the forward torpedo room accessible to the public?
Forum: Modeling and schematics
14 years ago
BTW Keith, do you have any info on the following
Forum: Modeling and schematics
14 years ago
Ok, this is settled then Thanks!
Forum: Modeling and schematics
14 years ago
Unfortunately the conning tower of U995 is basically empty. I presume that as the public is not allowed in that area, they have emptied it of any usable stuff. The only thing worth of interest is the attack periscope stand - minus the actual periscope which is missing.
Forum: Modeling and schematics
14 years ago
Ken, Are you sure about it ? My drawings of practice torpedoes had no whiskers. And why would you have an impeller (extreme fore) such as the one used to count the "arming range" of the torpedo?
Forum: Modeling and schematics
14 years ago
I can't identify this torpedo head - what torpedo pistol would it be? According to my data all torpedo pistols of the early war part (Pi1, 2, 3) have four whiskers for the impact detonation. I'm not sure of how an accoustic torpedo head or Pi4 looks. So what is this 2 whiskers torpedo pistol?
Forum: Modeling and schematics
14 years ago
The book "Anatomy of the ship - type VII u-boat" has some annoted drawings on the arrangement and operations of the torpedo tubes.
Forum: Modeling and schematics
14 years ago
During my recent visit to U-995 in Laboe, I have taken some pics of the TDC in the museum. I have a pretty good understanding of how it works, but its the first time I see it in person. And I stumbled upon something I didn't know about: Here's a photo of the Gyro Angle Indicator main dial (there's another one for units) - Torpedo Lauf Winkel The thing that puzzles me is the
Forum: Technology and Operations
14 years ago
I remember reading in some places about a british sub being dispatched to the meeting point of 3 u-boats. No sinkings resulted, but lots of confusion and Doenitz suspected something was amiss with their comms. But now I can't find that info any more. Any ideas where I should look?
Forum: General Discussions
14 years ago
In German U-boats, how would the crew refer to the 1st Watch Officer. Would they call him XO in any circumstances?
Forum: General Discussions
14 years ago
Actually the US Wolfpack was a) much smaller in number of boats used b) much looser and would not rely on constant Radio chatter back and forth with command. Of course the story is more complex than this, but you can't really say their the same...
Forum: Technology and Operations
14 years ago
Don, Did you by any chance get to see the item described here: ? Dan
Forum: General Discussions
15 years ago
Some pages from Groner: to - front pages are here I have "Taschenbuch der Handelsflotten 1940" by Groner in front of me - looks similar. What is scaned there is mainly parts of "Teil 2 : Schiffsbilder" - which is about 85 pages long in my book. The rest is just tables, very interesting though. Also the pictures seem identical to the ones in the US Merchants ID books -
Forum: Technology and Operations
15 years ago
Check email.
Forum: Technology and Operations
15 years ago
Type VII B/C u-boats are listed as carrying 14 torpedoes total. How were these stowed? As far as I can tell: A. Forward Torpedo Room - 4 torpedoes in the tubes - 4 torpedoes underneath the deck plates - 2 in the bunk space ? Where exactly were these stored? Did they prevent access to tubes III and IV, and the torpedoes inside them ? B. Aft Torpedo Room - 1 torpedo in tube
Forum: Technology and Operations
15 years ago
I hear (read somewhere around here) there's a LUT torpedo director - the LUT einstelltafel - in the Chicago MSI / U-505 expo. Do any of you have pics of it? For reference, here's what it looks like: Photo - from U-995, dials missing: Scan from "die torpedos der deutschen u-boote", pag 122 So, are there any "hi res", color, better, photos of this unit?
Forum: Modeling and schematics
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