U-boat patrols

Patrol info for U-129

DepartureArrival / FateDuration
11 Mar 1943Lorient29 May 1943Lorient80 days


Officers *

KrvKpt. Hans-Ludwig Witt

Oblt. Leonhard Klingspor

Ltn. Hans-Werner Offermann

Daily positions, sinkings and allied attacks during the patrol of U-129

We have daily positions for all 80 days on this patrol.

Ships hit by U-129 during this patrol

Date U-boat Commander Name of ship Tons Nat. ConvoyMap
2 Apr 1943U-129Hans-Ludwig Witt Melbourne Star12,806brA
24 Apr 1943U-129Hans-Ludwig Witt Santa Catalina6,507amB
4 May 1943U-129Hans-Ludwig Witt Panam7,277paNK-538C

3 ships sunk (26,590 tons).

We have a picture of this vessel.

General Events during this patrol


26 Apr 1943. U-129 fired three torpedoes at an enemy submarine in the west Atlantic, all of which missed.

Add more events! If you know of an interesting event either missing from this date or an upcoming event that you'd like to share please contact us. We continuously update these databases.

Attacks on U-129 during this patrol

We have no recorded attacks on U-129 duing this patrol.

If you believe we have omitted an attack on U-129 please let us know.

Men lost from U-boats

21 May 1943
During refueling by U-459 two men from the boat were washed overboard by a big wave. One of them was soon recovered, but the other remained missing. [Matrosengefreiter Hans Rüchel] (Sources: Ritschel)

See all patrols for U-129

* These are officers that later became commanders themselves.

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