Reichsfreiherr Hugo von Seyffertitz
Linenschiffleutnant (Crew 1904)
Successes 1 ship sunk with a total of 5,203 GRT 1 warship sunk with a total of 351 tons |
Born: | 23 Sep 1885 | Brixen, Tyrolia |
Died: | 10 Jun 1966 | Baden |
| Ranks1 Nov 1909 | | Fregattenleutnant | 1 Jan 1914 | | Linenschiffleutnant |
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Ships hit by Hugo von Seyffertitz
Date | U-boat | | Name of ship | Type of ship | Tons | Nat. |
10 May 1918 | k.u.k. U47 | | Itinda | Steamer | 5,203 |  | br |
20 Sep 1918 | k.u.k. U47 | | Circe | Submarine | 351 |  | fr |
| 5,554 | | 2 ships sunk (5,554 tons). |