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Foredeck gun as fitted to Mk VIIc's
Posted by: Michael Land ()
Date: February 09, 2006 03:11PM

I wonder if I could gain information about this gun via the forum. I am at present painting a large painting of a pair of VIIc's the only information missing is relating to this weapon. Photos of U Boats tend to concentrate on other parts (mainly the conning tower) although I do have some photos of the weapon. Does anyone have a set of line drawings or can point me in the right direction where to get a set. Your help will be much appreciated.
The unfinished painting needs your help!! Michael

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Subject Written By Posted
Foredeck gun as fitted to Mk VIIc's Michael Land 02/09/2006 03:11PM
Re: Foredeck gun as fitted to Mk VIIc's Einsamer Wolf 02/09/2006 05:58PM
Re: Foredeck gun as fitted to Mk VIIc's Michael Land 02/11/2006 09:50PM
Re: Foredeck gun as fitted to Mk VIIc's Jeff Herne 02/09/2006 06:31PM

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