RE: Peacetime vs Wartime
Posted by: AL Wellman ()
Date: June 28, 2000 02:43AM

Peacetime weapons procurement programs (anticipating a short conflict) seem to emphasize a broader range of performance goals. Cost has become a more significant consideration when the sustained losses of prolonged conflict are recognized. A primary consideration of industrialized nations embroiled in the second world war became: What type of ship (or airplane or tank) can we produce and man in the numbers required to replace losses? Given the difficulty the United States has experienced finding and keeping nuclear propulsion plant operators for its peacetime submarine fleet, one might question the ability of a nation to train a sufficient number of personnel to build, operate, and maintain an expanding fleet of nuclear submarines. A wider variety of civilian industries and job skills are adaptable to building and operating conventional diesel-electric machinery; and those production and training logistics could tip the balance in favor of a less capable submarine. =AL=

Subject Written By Posted
The Modern Diesel/Electric Sub Don Baker 06/26/2000 12:38AM
RE: The Modern Diesel/Electric Sub rabbit 06/26/2000 02:03AM
RE: The Modern Diesel/Electric Sub Rainer Bruns 06/26/2000 03:44PM
RE: Seawolf project cost numbers... rabbit 06/27/2000 04:40PM
RE: Seawolf project cost numbers... Rainer Bruns 06/27/2000 06:53PM
RE: The Modern Diesel/Electric Sub Ger 10/01/2000 03:58AM
RE: Peacetime vs Wartime AL Wellman 06/28/2000 02:43AM
RE: The Modern Diesel/Electric Sub Garth 07/01/2000 05:21AM