Technology and Operations  
This forum is for discussing technological & operational matters pertaining to U-boats. 
RE: Rubber Coating on U-Boats
Posted by: Jerry Mason ()
Date: November 21, 2000 10:42PM

Fank, you might check out this website which describes the coating on U-1105 Jerry


Options: ReplyQuote

Subject Written By Posted
Rubber Coating on U-Boats Frank B. 11/20/2000 04:02PM
RE: Rubber Coating on U-Boats Rainer Bruns 11/20/2000 04:17PM
RE: Rubber Coating on U-Boats Antonio Veiga 11/21/2000 07:57PM
RE: Rubber Coating on U-Boats Rod 11/21/2000 08:31PM
RE: Rubber Coating on U-Boats Jerry Mason 11/21/2000 10:42PM

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