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Re: Time during repairs
Posted by: Baloo ()
Date: December 01, 2001 05:22PM

The long time that U-263 spent in dockyard happend because the boat was convertet to a FLAK-Boat like U-441 for example. NÖLKE kept the command over the boat all the time, but from 20. 12. 42 - 11. 02. 43 he took command of U-584 in deputize. With this boat he made one mission from 30. 12. 42 - 11. 02. 43. After that it is believed he commanded some other boats even in deputize.

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Subject Written By Posted
Time during repairs Johannes 11/24/2001 01:47PM
Re: Time during repairs Baloo 12/01/2001 05:22PM
Re: Time during repairs Johannes 12/02/2001 07:54AM

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