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Lists of preserved german subs and torpedoes - worldwide
Posted by: Natter ()
Date: November 04, 2013 09:48AM


I'm trying to make a complete list of all known german WW2 submarines and torpedoes in existance today, and are hoping for some help on the matter.

My current lists can be downloaded here:


Red text is to be verified/checked and yellow background = misssing info.
The submarine-list currently only has midgetsubs, but I will add the additional four V II / XXI's as well.

Also, I'm currently collecting available photos from the net (I hope to have one of each object for illustration, and also keep track of changes, as some museums like to alter their display and repaint objects from time to time...).

ANY feedback and comments to the lists are most welcome - especially if you can come up with additions, or point out any errors (Im looking for more photos as well)!

You can leave comments here, or by mail to bergen31 at

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Subject Written By Posted
Lists of preserved german subs and torpedoes - worldwide Natter 11/04/2013 09:48AM

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