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Re: British pennant numbers for Greek submarines
Posted by: Bruce Dennis ()
Date: June 30, 2008 12:35PM

You might try this file...

ADM199/1850 Admiral Submarines: patrol reports of Greek submarines GLAUKOS, KATSONIS, MATROZOS, NEREUS, PAPANICOLIS, PIPINOS and TRITON 1941-1944

... at The National Archives, Kew, SW London.

Hope this helps,


Options: ReplyQuote

Subject Written By Posted
British pennant numbers for Greek submarines Mark C. Jones 06/30/2008 01:47AM
Re: British pennant numbers for Greek submarines Bruce Dennis 06/30/2008 12:35PM
Re: British pennant numbers for Greek submarines Platon Alexiades 07/01/2008 07:27PM

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