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Re: The end of U16
Posted by: capo ()
Date: June 08, 2007 09:38AM

Ok thanx! Nice to hear from you. Any other specific information about this sinking? What was the length of this uboat? Where can I find specific technical information and photo/scheme of this uboat?


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Subject Written By Posted
The end of U16 capo 06/08/2007 07:25AM
Re: The end of U16 Jensen 06/08/2007 08:24AM
Re: The end of U16 capo 06/08/2007 09:38AM
Re: The end of U16 Michael Lowrey 06/08/2007 10:21AM
Re: The end of U16 capo 06/08/2007 01:15PM
Re: The end of U16 Michael Lowrey 06/08/2007 06:24PM
Re: The end of U16 capo 06/09/2007 05:46PM
Re: The end of U16 Brian V. 06/10/2007 01:55AM

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