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Which U-boats sank these ships?
Posted by: Rodney Carlisle ()
Date: August 06, 2007 08:27PM

Forum members:
Can you help me identify the specific U-boats that engaged the following American ships during the period of U.S. neutrality in World War I?

Nebraskan, off Southcliffe, May 25, 1915 (damaged by torpedo, repaired)
Leelanaw, off Orkneys, July 25, 1915, stopped, evacuated, sunk
Lanao, off Portugal, Nov 14, 1916, stopped, evacuated, sunk
Chemung, Nov 26, 1916, Off Spain in the Mediterranean, stopped, evacuated, sunk

The Lanao, from the Philippines, had been transferred to British ownership and registry and thus was not recognized as a U.S.ship by Berlin.

A related set of questions are these:

U-36 captured the Pass of Balmaha, off the Orkneys; I believe the date was July 24, 1915, and U-36 was later sunk by Q-ship Prince Charles, also July 24, 1915. Is it correct that both events happened on July 24? The German prize crew aboard Pass of Balmaha was a coxswain's mate by the name of Lamm. Can we find out his first name? {Pass of Balmaha was converted to Seeadler later.}

German sources that I do not have at hand may provide answers to some or all these questions. Thanks for looking.Your help is much appreciated.

Rodney Carlisle

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Subject Written By Posted
Which U-boats sank these ships? Rodney Carlisle 08/06/2007 08:27PM
Re: Which U-boats sank these ships? Michael Lowrey 08/07/2007 04:53AM
Re: Which U-boats sank these ships? Rodney Carlisle 08/07/2007 01:23PM

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