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Oberleutnant zur See Otto Ciliax
Posted by: Josephbremez ()
Date: April 22, 2016 05:20PM

Hi Guys,

Otto Ciliax born 30 Oct 1891 in Neudietendorf, Thuringia

Died on 12 Dec 1964. WO on U52 16 Mar 1916- 14 Oct 1917

Commandant of UB96 24 Jun 1918-27 Jul 1918

Commandant of UC 27 24 Sep 1918 20 Jan 1919

Why isn't he in the commander listing ???


Joe R

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Subject Written By Posted
Oberleutnant zur See Otto Ciliax Josephbremez 04/22/2016 05:20PM
Re: Oberleutnant zur See Otto Ciliax Josephbremez 04/29/2016 04:09PM
Re: Oberleutnant zur See Otto Ciliax Josephbremez 05/04/2016 04:56PM
Re: Oberleutnant zur See Otto Ciliax Simon S. 05/04/2016 07:20PM
Re: Oberleutnant zur See Otto Ciliax Josephbremez 05/05/2016 12:12AM
Re: Oberleutnant zur See Otto Ciliax Oliver Lörscher 05/05/2016 08:59AM
Re: Oberleutnant zur See Otto Ciliax Josephbremez 05/05/2016 01:39PM
Re: Oberleutnant zur See Otto Ciliax Josephbremez 05/05/2016 04:40PM
Re: Oberleutnant zur See Otto Ciliax Oliver Lörscher 05/06/2016 06:47PM

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