General Discussions  
This is the place to discuss general issues related to the U-boat war or the war at sea in WWII. 
Re: personnel records.. Ken Dunn
Posted by: cowboy ()
Date: July 03, 2003 11:36PM

<HTML>Ken... Im trying to find out if there were ANY Uboat crewmembers with last name of BRINKMANN and ORT, where they may have been from and what boat they were on. Any directions?</HTML>

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Subject Written By Posted
personnel records jim zeiher 06/28/2003 01:38AM
Re: personnel records Ken Dunn 06/28/2003 11:38AM
Re: personnel records.. Ken Dunn cowboy 07/03/2003 11:36PM
Re: personnel records.. Ken Dunn Ken Dunn 07/04/2003 12:50AM
Re: personnel records.. Ken Dunn Rune Dyrholm 04/27/2009 03:42PM
Re: personnel records Thomen 04/27/2009 06:27PM
Re: personnel records Chris Springer 01/05/2010 08:02AM
Re: personnel records Eric Stone 01/07/2010 11:01PM
Re: personnel records bob Gramberg 08/09/2014 10:05PM
Re: personnel records barinasboy 08/10/2014 02:18PM

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