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Re: XI-B Revisited - New-Clarifications
Posted by: David E. Brown ()
Date: April 30, 2004 01:47PM


The following is a thread I pulled off the 12 O’clock High Luftwaffe Discussion Board in 1997. From the description the chap seem to be describing an aircraft such as the BV 222 or Ju 390. Any relationship to what you've described?

It appears that there were lots of strange things going on offshore Maine during the War, and more than lobsters on the water bottom.




Author: Gary Webster
Subject: German Aircraft Wreck off Owl's Head Maine.
Date: Fri Feb 13 16:53:14 1998


I received this e-mail and though I'd pass it on to this group. Mr. Ruben P. Whittemore claims to have relatives who eye-witnessed this event. What do you think? Seems a little far fetched, but you never know. I've left his e-mail address and mailing address for anyone wanting to ask him further questions. Were both Ju-390's accounted for after the war?





Found RMZ Tag: removed from aircraft motor found two miles southeast of the Owls Head Lighthouse, Maine.

I have a tag which when put together reads: (Note: “?” = unknown letter or number)

• R?Z WURKE Nb 135?34 (Allgemiene) - this word is almost gone due to condition
• JUNK??SM?T??WURKES (Agts: Haan) - this word is in same condition
• FWU ???KE N? 13??34 (Gbs: Fl??g?roberstkommando Rdt.)

Probable plate inscription text:

• RMZ WURKE Nb 135?34 (Allgemiene)
• FWU WURKE Nb 135?34 (Gbs: Fliegeroberstkommando Rdt.)

Wreck was reported to have been here since September, 44 and reported as a large six motor aircraft with very dark green and black paint. Three bodies were found in area on the 28th of September, 1944 and taken by the U.S. Coast Guard to Rockland Maine Station.

One of the witnesses states he saw one body in German Luftwaffe Signal Corps Uniform, (grey-blue with yellow/brown collor tabs), rank of Hauptmann/Captain?

The FBI, USSS, MI all reported as having told those who had witnessed the crash that it was first a submarine, and later that they better forget what they saw!

I have dived in area and have recovered more parts, and have photos!

Please try to find out if Germans lost a large aircraft about the 17th to 19th of September, 1944 over the Atlantic.

Ruben Paul Whittemore
P.O. Box H-8
115 South Meadow Drive
Burlington, VT 05401

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Subject Written By Posted
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Re: XI-B Revisited - New Dan Odenweller 04/26/2004 08:41PM
Re: XI-B Revisited - New Brian 04/27/2004 09:34PM
Re: XI-B Revisited - New ROBERT M. 04/27/2004 11:53PM
Re: XI-B Revisited - New Dan Odenweller 04/28/2004 08:15AM
Re: XI-B Revisited - New Dan Odenweller 04/28/2004 08:13AM
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Re: XI-B Revisited Dinner Bet Dan Odenweller 04/28/2004 07:03PM
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Re: XI-B Revisited - New Rainer Bruns 04/29/2004 10:20AM
Re: XI-B Revisited - New-Clarifications Ed Michaud 04/29/2004 01:45PM
Re: XI-B Revisited - New-Clarifications ROBERT M. 04/29/2004 05:47PM
Re: XI-B Revisited - New-Clarifications David E. Brown 04/30/2004 01:47PM
Re: XI-B Revisited - New-Clarifications Simon Gunson 04/07/2012 03:33AM
Re: XI-B Revisited - New-Clarifications Ruben Whittemore 10/26/2013 05:25PM
Re: XI-B Revisited - New-Clarifications Ruben Paul Whittemore 04/21/2012 01:31AM
Re: XI-B Revisited - Owls Head aircraft wreckage Simon Gunson 02/15/2014 11:56PM
Re: XI-B Revisited - New-Clarifications Ridgeley Scott 04/05/2015 12:01PM
Re: XI-B Revisited - New-Clarifications Dan Odenweller 04/29/2004 08:23PM

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