General Discussions  
This is the place to discuss general issues related to the U-boat war or the war at sea in WWII. 
Posted by: Fin Bonset ()
Date: March 16, 2001 12:30PM

<HTML>Hello Johnny,

I have read the rules. I meant no insult to your comment, but maybe mimi meant something else that WAS related to u-boats. So I offered help if she was interested. Nothing wrong with that I reckon. No point in discouraging interested people from coming to this forum.

If it is off-topic, I think we can be nicer about telling people though.




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Subject Written By Posted
to Werner Frank mimi 03/15/2001 02:26AM
RE: Off the TOPIC here.! John 03/15/2001 05:00AM
RE: to Werner Frank Rainer Bruns 03/15/2001 05:53AM
RE: to Werner Frank Fin Bonset 03/15/2001 12:40PM
RE: to Werner Frank mimi 03/16/2001 03:04AM
RE: to FIN BONSET John 03/16/2001 04:43AM
RE: to FIN BONSET Fin Bonset 03/16/2001 12:30PM
RE: to FIN BONSET John R. 03/16/2001 01:35PM
RE: to Werner Frank John 03/16/2001 04:36AM
RE: wo ist Wattenscheid ? 2000 03/15/2001 07:45PM
RE: wo ist Wattenscheid ? kpp 03/15/2001 09:05PM
RE: to Mimi Werner Frank 03/16/2001 12:11AM

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