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RE: U-300
Posted by: Joe Brennan ()
Date: March 23, 2001 07:28AM

<HTML>Hi Yngvi

U-300 was a VIIC-41 Type U-boat. She was commissioned into the
German Navy on 29/12/43
Her CO was OL Fritz Hein -Dec 1943 to 22/2/45.
U-300 did 3 active patrols and sunk 4 ships + 1 damaged.
On the 21/1/45 she left Stavanger, en route to Gibraltar area.
U-300 patrolled off Gibraltar and on the 17/2/45 she attacked convoy
UGS 72 just West of the Straits, she did damaged two ships, the
SS Michael J Stone ant the tanker MV Regent Lion. The tanker ship
was tow into Tangier on the 19th but was declared a total loss.
On the 22nd U-300 was located SE of Cape St Vincent and sunk by
a D/C attacks by minesweepers HMS Pincher (Lt Cdr T Farser) and
Recruit (Cdr E.A.Dorn) and a armed yacht.
Of the crew of U-300, 11 were killed and 42 were made PoW.
For more info see this site...hope this will help..?

Souce: U-boat Ops of WWII, BY K.Wynn

Cheers Joe Brennan

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Subject Written By Posted
U-300 Yngvi 03/23/2001 01:03AM
RE: U-300 Joe Brennan 03/23/2001 07:28AM

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