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RE: Why did the Type XXI not see combat service
Posted by: Lawrence ()
Date: March 27, 2001 08:28AM

<HTML>Interesting thread this one, and one in which I pretty much agree with the above replies. The initial question is a good one, after all the Panther and Elefant were \"pushed\" into service before thorough testing, as were other vehicles, weapons and even formation types (eg the Volksgrenadier Divisions). Maybe they had learned a lesson from the disastrous results of these attempts at short-circuiting a thorough testing period, but some how I doubt it.
I do think that the focus was very much more Eastward than West by early 1945. Once the Ardennes Offensive had ground to a halt I don\'t think that the German\'s energies were aimed at the North Sea or Atlantic. But that still doesn\'t answer the question because despite the lack of priority at sea for the Kriegsmarine, men still sailed in Type VIIs to do battle with enemy at massive disadvantage in their obsolete U-boats. The Type XXIII saw limited action. Adalbert Schnee\'s experience on U2511 does provoke an interesting \"what if\" scenario. Ultimately though I don\'t believe that the Type XXI would have changed anything - just more ships and people lost in the closing act of the war.

Enough rambling - I\'m afraid I don\'t have an answer to the question, but I\'d be interested to hear more theories about it.

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Subject Written By Posted
Why did the Type XXI not see combat service Kurt 03/26/2001 04:53PM
RE: Why did the Type XXI not see combat service Rainer Bruns 03/26/2001 06:19PM
RE: Why did the Type XXI not see combat service Joe Brennan 03/27/2001 07:38AM
RE: Why did the Type XXI not see combat service John 03/27/2001 07:58AM
RE: Why did the Type XXI not see combat service Lawrence 03/27/2001 08:28AM
RE: Why did the Type XXI not see combat service kurt 03/27/2001 04:28PM
RE: Why did the Type XXI not see combat service tl 03/27/2001 04:46PM
RE: Why did the Type XXI not see combat service J.T. McDaniel 04/04/2001 12:51PM

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