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This is the place to discuss general issues related to the U-boat war or the war at sea in WWII. 
RE: Flash/Report/Kursk- theory
Posted by: John Griffiths ()
Date: May 28, 2001 11:46AM

<HTML>Joe et al,

The reason the forward end stays deep six is because that was where the damage occurred. Show that to the world and the \'foreign submarine damage\' will be shown for what it is - a story. Truth? Maybe a torpedo malfunction killed her?

Show that and you show the state of the navy. The state of training. The state of their safety procedures -

- and you kill off exports.

Just me six penneth worth.....



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Subject Written By Posted
Flash/Report/Kursk Roy Schneider 05/27/2001 11:38PM
RE: Flash/Report/Kursk Roy Schneider 05/27/2001 11:56PM
RE: Flash/Report/Kursk Joe 05/28/2001 07:52AM
RE: Flash/Report/Kursk- theory John Griffiths 05/28/2001 11:46AM Yuri IL\'IN 05/28/2001 04:39PM
RE: Kursk John Griffiths 05/28/2001 07:35PM
RE: MPC 05/28/2001 07:42PM
RE: nice site Yuri &amp; some thoughts T R York 05/29/2001 12:10AM
RE: nice site Yuri &amp; some thoughts Yuri IL\'IN 05/29/2001 10:46AM
RE: You\'re welcome, and Thanks T R York 05/29/2001 07:52PM
RE: Flash/Report/Kursk- theory Yuri IL\'IN 05/29/2001 10:49AM
RE: Flash/Report/Kursk Joe Brennan 05/29/2001 07:23AM
RE: Flash/Report/Kursk - Joe John Griffiths 05/29/2001 08:20AM
RE: Flash/Report/Kursk Yuri IL\'IN 05/29/2001 02:20PM
RE :Point taken! Joe Brennan 05/30/2001 04:57AM
RE: RE :Point taken! Yuri IL\'IN 05/30/2001 01:13PM
RE: Flash/Report/Kursk Roy Schneider 05/30/2001 04:41PM
RE: Flash/Report/Kursk Rainer Bruns 05/28/2001 01:54AM

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