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RE: U-166 & answer for Marc Singleton
Posted by: Tim ()
Date: June 16, 2001 02:54AM

<HTML>I\'m of mixed feelings about the idea of raising U-166, or any sunken warship, or recovering their crew. Yes, it would be nice to return the bodies to their families and native soil. But too, I think it appropriate to let them continue their \"Eternal Patrol\" with their comrades. The recent raising of CSS Hunley is being handled an a compromise fashion. The remains recovered from her are to be intered, with full military honors, as a crew in a plot that is already the resting place of members of two of Hunley\'s other crews. (She sank twice in training, taking one full and one partial crew with her.) tjk</HTML>

Options: ReplyQuote

Subject Written By Posted
U-166 Walter Gallant 06/13/2001 06:00PM
RE: U-166 Michael Lowrey 06/13/2001 08:51PM
RE: U-166 Walter Gallant 06/14/2001 12:45PM
RE: U-166 &amp; answer for Marc Singleton Robert Church 06/15/2001 11:47AM
RE: U-166 &amp; answer for Marc Singleton Jim 06/15/2001 02:29PM
RE: U-166 &amp; answer for Marc Singleton Tim 06/16/2001 02:54AM
RE: U-166 &amp; answer for Marc Singleton Jay Baker 06/17/2001 03:23PM
Human remains &amp; other possible U-boat discover David E. Brown 06/18/2001 02:16PM
raising the U-166 ? kurt 06/16/2001 11:46AM

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