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Re: Paul-Hugo Kettner - "Anneberg" sinking
Posted by: gerard heimann ()
Date: January 28, 2009 09:20PM

Thank you, Rainer. A small additional point, but shouldn't have Cmdr. Kettner been credited with Damage and not Sinking, as his profile indicates? Perhaps leaving it in obvious sinking condition applies here?


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Subject Written By Posted
Paul-Hugo Kettner - "Anneberg" sinking gerard heimann 01/28/2009 08:08PM
Re: Paul-Hugo Kettner - "Anneberg" sinking Rainer 01/28/2009 08:48PM
Re: Paul-Hugo Kettner - "Anneberg" sinking gerard heimann 01/28/2009 09:20PM
Re: Paul-Hugo Kettner - "Anneberg" sinking Rainer 01/29/2009 06:13PM

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