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Re: U 69, U 514, U 270
Posted by: MPC ()
Date: May 14, 2009 06:24PM

O.Fähnrich z.S. Heinz Mischke served on all three U-boats & was on board U 270 when she was sunk on 13.08.44. All the crew survived. []

Another source of information is
Which states that he was born 16.08.21 and died sometime in 2000. Perhaps you can update that side with the latter date.


Options: ReplyQuote

Subject Written By Posted
U 69, U 514, U 270 Josh Chartrand 05/13/2009 08:54PM
Re: U 69, U 514, U 270 Ken Dunn 05/13/2009 09:25PM
Re: U 69, U 514, U 270 MPC 05/14/2009 06:24PM
Re: U 69, U 514, U 270 Jason Mischke 05/29/2010 01:49PM

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