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RE: U-534 My - response - flak?
Posted by: John Griffiths ()
Date: July 14, 2001 06:52AM


>>I knew I\\\'ll get some \\\"flak\\\" from others and especially from you in regards to U-534.<<

So, I\'m the Flakmeister now, am I? :-)

>>However, my point to you is that future generations have already got the opportunity in visiting WWII German U-995 or U-505.Why bother with a old rusty U-boat..? <<

Why bother with the shattered remains of the Arizona at Pearl? It\'s no more than scrap anyway. Just a heap of waterlogged junk lying on the sea that fair to say? No, it isn\'t. She represents a historical monument to those who died at Pearl in a sneak attack.

>>In regards to your other \\\'smart ass\\\' comments, U-534 did not always
lays in \\\"fresh\\\" water.. <<

I know - but if you knew anything about rust you\'d know that salt water is highly corrosive, but the fresh \'stream\' that runs through the Kattegat aided her preservation. Without that, she\'d be in much worse condition. I know geography Joe. I know my subject area. My comment was aimed at the preservation angle - not marine hydrography and currents / salinity levels.

As for smart arse...qualify that, Joe. I think it\'s a personal attack by someone who is so obviously against the idea of a project. Why? You have yet to put up a reasonable argument about why she should not be preserved. What do we do? Build a replica? Has that historical value?

As for why from my end. Let me just say that the boats restored in Germany and in the USA are beyond the reach of many families who could not afford the trip to them. What about school parties? History groups? Uncle Bill who lost his brother to a torpedo in the Attlantic and who just wants to see what the enemy looked like - and can\'t afford the air ticket to the States or Germany?

The trouble with you Joe is that you have no vision. The US spends a fortune on keeping alive war machines so as to ensure the memory of the losses endured by the Allies is never forgotten. In Europe, the D Day memorials show examples of armoured vehicles...pill boxes...guns....uniforms.Why? To attract cash and tourists? No. To ensure that the memory of the war is never forgotten by generations who followed after the many who fell.

U-534 is an example of a superior technology that almost brought Britain to its knees. We should remember that period in our history and ensure that some significant monument exists to show what we were up against. It\'s a history thing.

Whole groups of individuals dress up in uniforms to re-enact key areas of history so as to bring life and colour to those who cannot visualise otherwise. That is what the restoration of U-534 would do: bring to life history from a long, long time ago. Is that wrong?

If I was a millionaire and I said I have the money to restore U-534 to absolutely pristine condition,to build a living exhibit with her set in a diaroma situation ( such as in a U-boat pen ) with actors dressed for the part - I wonder what your reactions would be then. I guess you\'d be on the next \'plane over with your camera.

If I \'attacked\' you it was because you have been the most negative poster on this subject, almost to the point of wearying your vitriol on it.

Vision, Joe. Have vision and think of how historically important this boat would be to future generations - and to those, in the UK at least, who cannot afford the luxury of a weekend trip across the channel or the Atlantic to see a preserved U-boat. Not everyone has that benefit.




Options: ReplyQuote

Subject Written By Posted
U 534 MPC 07/10/2001 07:23PM
RE: U 534 A sad fate! Joe 07/11/2001 06:57AM
RE: U 534 A sad fate! walter M. 07/11/2001 09:32AM
RE: U 534 A sad fate! Jim 07/11/2001 11:21AM
RE: U 534 A sad fate! parade 07/11/2001 03:08PM
RE: U 534 A sad fate! ray schwartz 07/11/2001 03:22PM
RE: U 534 A sad fate! walter M. 07/11/2001 03:26PM
RE: U 534 A sad fate! Tom Iwanski 07/11/2001 06:20PM
RE: U 534 A sad fate! me109g 07/11/2001 07:51PM
RE: U 534 A sad fate! Paul G 07/11/2001 08:20PM
RE: U 534 A sad fate! Rich M. 07/11/2001 11:29PM
RE: U 534 A sad fate! Vin 07/12/2001 01:24AM
RE: U 534 A sad fate! Joe 07/12/2001 04:54AM
RE: U 534 A sad fate! Tom Iwanski 07/13/2001 01:39PM
RE: U 534 A sad fate! parade 07/12/2001 05:28AM
RE: U 534 A sad fate! Joe 07/12/2001 04:43AM
RE: U 534 A sad fate! Torlef 07/12/2001 08:59PM
RE: U 534 A sad fate! Thomas Caramela 07/13/2001 02:59AM
RE: U-534 Beyond doubt!!! Joe 07/13/2001 05:53AM
RE: U-534 Beyond doubt!!! Jim 07/13/2001 11:48AM
RE: U-534 Beyond doubt - response. John Griffiths 07/13/2001 04:57PM
RE: Could anyone have expressed it better? MPC 07/13/2001 08:18PM
RE: U-534 My - response. Joe 07/14/2001 02:35AM
RE: U-534 My - response - flak? John Griffiths 07/14/2001 06:52AM
RE: U-534 My - response - flak? Joe 07/15/2001 03:21AM
RE: U-534 My - response - flak? John Griffiths 07/16/2001 07:18PM
RE: U-534 My - response - flak? John Griffiths 07/16/2001 07:18PM
RE: U-534 My - response - Multiple posts.. John Griffiths 07/16/2001 07:20PM
RE: U-534 My - response. Joe 07/14/2001 02:35AM
RE: U-534 Beyond doubt!!! Lawrence 07/15/2001 03:42AM
RE: U-534 Beyond doubt!!! Tim 07/15/2001 08:58PM
RE: why \&quot;bloody English\&quot; MPC 07/13/2001 08:07PM
RE: an error on my part MPC 07/13/2001 08:10PM
RE: an error on my part MPC 07/13/2001 08:15PM
RE:take it easy! Joe 07/14/2001 01:43AM
RE: why \\\\\\ Ray 07/15/2001 11:42PM
RE: why \\\\\\ Ray 07/15/2001 11:44PM
RE: why \\\\\\ Ray 07/15/2001 11:49PM
RE: why \\\\\\\\\\\\ Ray G. 07/15/2001 11:52PM
RE: U 534 Steve Cooper 07/16/2001 01:42AM
RE: U 534/shelter.? Joe 07/16/2001 07:03AM

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