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Attack in port of Greek ship?
Posted by: gkalban ()
Date: March 27, 2010 12:52PM

I've begun some ancestry research and was always told a story by my father that a ship next to his was hit by a German U-boat. He claims that his ship was actually pulling up anchor when the attack happened and that he and a couple of his men fell overboard and were fished out quickly by their shipmates. He said that they were the last ship out of port before the Germans took over. I am really trying to find the name of his ship. All his papers containing what little history I had of him were shipped back to his family in Greece (long story!).
Problem is I have wracked my brains and realized he never mentioned the port. I always assumed it was a port in Greece. So I don't know if the ship that was hit was a Greek one or a ship of another nation.
Anything ring a bell? Or was he being a typical Greek and embellishing stories?

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Subject Written By Posted
Attack in port of Greek ship? gkalban 03/27/2010 12:52PM
Re: Attack in port of Greek ship? paul tjader 04/10/2010 11:50AM

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