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RE: U-953 vs SS Ganilly
Posted by: Robin Edwards ()
Date: July 20, 2001 01:19AM

<HTML>To: Frank
A couple of books that I have read for this period of the war are:
1.The last Year Of the Kreigsmarine by Tarrant. Gives a good overview of the German efforts from May1944-May1945. Not just U-Boats but also S-Boats and surface forces and the efforts of the midget submarines.
2. The U-Boat Hunters. Sorry cannot remember the Author.(might be Milner) Details the efforts of the Canadian Uboat hunter killer groups who were very active during the last year of the war especially in the channel and close to the British Isles where the U-Boats operated at this time.

Both books helped me to learn some more about the U-Boat operations during this time. Hope that this is helpful

Robin Edwards</HTML>

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Subject Written By Posted
U-953 vs SS Ganilly frank_j 07/18/2001 04:23PM
RE: U-953 vs SS Glendinning Rainer Kolbicz 07/18/2001 09:48PM
RE: U-953 vs SS Glendinning !! frank_j 07/18/2001 10:23PM
RE: U-953 vs SS Glendinning !! Innes McCartney 07/21/2001 07:04AM
RE: U-953 vs SS Glendinning !! frank_j 07/22/2001 10:50AM
RE: U-953 vs SS Glendinning !! Jan-Olof 07/22/2001 02:23PM
RE: U-953 vs SS Ganilly Robin Edwards 07/20/2001 01:19AM
Thanks frank_j 07/21/2001 12:10AM

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