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Re: Sabotage U867?
Posted by: SnakeDoc ()
Date: August 09, 2012 07:34AM

Hi Guys

Diesel engines air intake manifold was not connected directly with air induction trunk (whichl later was conneted to the schnorchel head). The air induction trun was lead from the conning tower, outside the hull, toward the diesel engine room, where it passed through the hull, and then, along the pressure hull walls, down, under the floor plates. So any water which entered the trunk (either when running on surface/without schorchel or while snorting) was led into the bilge.
See these picutres:



So diesel engine cylinders could not be flooded through the air intake.

But it could be done trough the exhaust manifold - while snorting. If schnorchel head went deeper under surface, the exhaust gases back-pressure was to great, and water poured into the exhaust manifold - first damaging the exhaust driven blowers, and then filling cylinders, causing all effects described by BHenderson.



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Subject Written By Posted
Sabotage U867? Spindlegger 08/07/2012 08:53PM
Re: Sabotage U867? Spindlegger 08/07/2012 08:58PM
Re: Sabotage U867? Ken Dunn 08/07/2012 11:34PM
Re: Sabotage U867? Spindlegger 08/07/2012 11:53PM
Re: Sabotage U867? BHenderson 08/08/2012 12:59AM
Re: Sabotage U867? SnakeDoc 08/09/2012 07:34AM
Re: Sabotage U867? Rainer 08/08/2012 05:51PM

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