General Discussions  
This is the place to discuss general issues related to the U-boat war or the war at sea in WWII. 
RE: Anti-escort device
Posted by: walter M ()
Date: August 02, 2001 07:57PM

<HTML>Early in the war they soon learned that in order to pursue one U-boat they need at least three sub-chasers. The German bi-dimensional homing torpedo was easily derouted. On the other side, the Allied\'s three-dimensional FIDO homing torpedo was quite effective.
Sometimes I wondered if TWO U-boats ever fought a mutually defensive counter-attack against sub-chasers.
walter M.

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Subject Written By Posted
Anti-escort device Tom Iwanski 08/02/2001 03:18PM
RE: Anti-escort device Antonio Veiga 08/02/2001 06:43PM
RE: Anti-escort device walter M 08/02/2001 07:57PM
reverse hedgehog kurt 08/03/2001 12:27PM
Ursel SuperKraut 08/14/2001 10:38AM
RE: Anti-escort device Steve Cooper 08/03/2001 01:47PM

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