Movies and Films  
This is the forum for Movie and Film discussions. Again, our topic is naval warfare in WWII for the most part. 
Re: off subject.
Posted by: Volker Erich Kummrow ()
Date: October 04, 2002 07:20AM

<HTML>Hello Cate,

I ran into a problem on your request about this movie. My bookshop checked all available Film-Dictionaries but couldn't find anything. I call WDR (Westdeutscher Rundfunk), they have a huge archive of films, but the the man responsible had a long weekend off duty. Maybe you want to check out for yourself in I'll give them a call on Monday again and try to find some ohther sources in the meantime aboz the subject.

Sincerely Yours
Volker Erich Kummrow</HTML>

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Subject Written By Posted
off subject. hubertus 10/02/2002 10:28AM
Re: off subject. Volker Erich Kummrow 10/02/2002 01:38PM
Re: off subject. Volker Erich Kummrow 10/02/2002 02:35PM
Re: off subject. cate 10/03/2002 05:47AM
Re: off subject. Volker Erich Kummrow 10/03/2002 07:55AM
Re: off subject. hubertus 10/03/2002 11:41AM
Re: off subject. Volker Erich Kummrow 10/04/2002 07:13AM
Re: off subject. hubertus 10/04/2002 07:30AM
Re: off subject. Volker Erich Kummrow 10/04/2002 08:52AM
Re: off subject. hubertus 10/04/2002 09:32AM
Re: off subject. cate 10/03/2002 07:49PM
Re: off subject. Volker Erich Kummrow 10/04/2002 07:20AM
Re: off subject. Volker Erich Kummrow 10/04/2002 07:23AM
Re: off subject. cate 10/05/2002 02:08PM
Re: off subject. Volker Erich Kummrow 10/07/2002 07:36AM
Re: off subject. cate 10/03/2002 05:25AM
Re: off subject. hubertus 10/03/2002 07:23AM
Re: off subject. kurt 10/03/2002 10:59AM
Re: off subject. hubertus 10/03/2002 11:52AM
Re: off subject. Barry Scully 10/10/2002 01:22PM

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