Movies and Films  
This is the forum for Movie and Film discussions. Again, our topic is naval warfare in WWII for the most part. 
Re: u-47 film..?
Posted by: J. Brennan ()
Date: July 02, 2003 04:34AM


thanks ...I did not know about this?

Rds Joe</HTML>

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Subject Written By Posted
u-47 film..? J. Brennan 06/21/2003 07:51AM
Re: u-47 film..? cate 06/21/2003 10:48AM
Re: u-47 film..? J. Brennan 06/21/2003 09:33PM
Re: u-47 film..? Alex 06/24/2003 02:59PM
Re: u-47 film..? J. Brennan 07/02/2003 04:34AM

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