General Discussions  
This is the place to discuss general issues related to the U-boat war or the war at sea in WWII. 

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16 years ago
Shella LaRoche
Thanks Eric, I'm really not a technical genius (ten thumbs on two left hands...). It's nice to have an idea what the technical terms could mean. Shella
Forum: General Discussions
16 years ago
Shella LaRoche
Success - at last! While we couldn't ask Grandpa, who is suffering a continuing severe loss of memories, we were able to locate furter information in an old diary. He was a trainee for Technical Lieutennant, and visited severeal boats during that time. In November 1941 he was aboard U 560 under Oberleutnant z.S. Ernst Cordes, his dutys were those of Oberfähnrich (Ing.) Zentral- an
Forum: General Discussions
16 years ago
Shella LaRoche
Thanks Ken, I searched there, but couldn't find him. So I was hoping that the emergency exit would help me. Regards, Shella
Forum: General Discussions
16 years ago
Shella LaRoche
Hallo, ich suche Informationen über meinen Großvater. In meinen - nicht allzu guten - Erinnerungen erzählte er mir von einem Ausstieg aus einem U-Boot, mit Hilfe eines Tauchretters. Der Mann hinter ihm verhakte sich im Ausstieg und alle nach ihm anstehenden ertranken. Mein Großvater war der letzte, der aus dem Boot entkam. Er wurde gerettet und ist durch den Aufenthalt im eisigen Wasser an
Forum: _ Forum in deutscher Sprache
16 years ago
Shella LaRoche
Hello, my grandfather has survived an emergency escape with a tauchretter. In my - not very good - memories he told me about escaping as the last person of the U-Boot, the next man behind him got stuck, and all remaining persons on board drowned. He was rescued out of cold water, I remember something about Norway (but that could be a later comission). I have narrowed my search to U 612 and
Forum: General Discussions
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