U-boat War in World War One

Sources and contributors

A section like this is the work of many people. Here below is the list of people who put their hard work into this section.

Michael Lowrey (mlowrey@infi.net)
Yves Dufeil (yves.dufeil@wanadoo.fr)
Johan Ryheul

Published sources who helped
K.Adm. Arno Spindler, Der Handelskrieg mit U-Booten
Erich Gröner, German Warships 1815-1945, vol 2
Robert M. Grant, U-boats Destroyed
Robert M. Grant, U-boat Intelligence
V.E. Tarrant, The U-Boat Offensive 1914-1945
Termote Tomas, Verdwenen in de Noordzee, De Krijger, Erpe-Mere, 1999
Humphreys Ron, The Dover Patrol, Sutton, Stroud, 1998
Eberhard Rössler, Die Unterseeboote der Kaiserlichen Marine
Ryheul Johan, Marinekorps Flandern, Mittler, Hamburg 1997
Gibson & Prendergast, The German submarine war 1914-18
K.Adm Stoelzel, Ehrenrangliste der Deutschen Kaiserlichemarine
Bendert, Harald, Die UB-Boote der kaiserlichen Marine 1914 - 1918
Bendert, Harald, Die UC- Boote der Kaiserlichen Marine 1914-1918

Archive of the Marinekorps Flandern at Freiburg